An association dedicated to advancing the care of patients with diseases of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues
The EA4HP is a professional non-profit organisation which aims to increase and disseminate haematopathological knowledge.
The European Association for Haematopathology is a professional association whose aim is to study diseases of the haematopoietic and lymphoid systems and to promote the exchange and dissemination of knowledge concerning the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.
About EA4HP
The EA4HP was founded in 1988 in Geneva and has since been active in organizing bi-annual meetings and workshops for its members and many other interested professionals. Educational workshops and meetings have been supported all over the world.
The EA4HP association members are...
…and researchers with many other backgrounds who together create a lively community for discussions and exchange of ideas.

The EA4HP not only has members from all over Europe, but also many members from Asia, North, South and Central America, Africa and the Middle East and Australia and New Zealand.
To Study - To Exchange Knowledge -
To Connect
The European Association for Haematopathology is committed to improving haematopathology knowledge and raising the standards of education, research and clinical practice.
Meet the EA4HP
board members and officers

Prof. dr. Maurilio Ponzoni
Pathologist, Università Vita-Salute, San Raffaele, Italy

Dr. John Goodlad
President Elect
Pathologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Prof. dr. med. Stefan Dirnhofer
Past President
Pathologist, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland

Prof. dr. Thomas Tousseyn
Pathologist, University Hospitals UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Prof. dr. Laurence de Leval
Scientific Secretary
Pathologist, Institut Universitaire de Pathologie, Lausanne, Switzerland
Join the Young EA4HP
if you are interested in a network that allows young professionals in the field of hematopathology to connect with each other, expand their knowledge and share experiences
Add a vacancy to the Job Board
Do you have a vacancy? Then it can be placed on the EA4HP website. The costs for this are from € 225,-. For this amount, your vacancy will remain visible on the website for 30 days and the members will be informed by email (via the bi-weekly bulletin). Look further for more benefits.
30 days
Vacancy 1 month
- Job posting within: 24 Hours
- Monthly newsletter: No
- Banner on homepage: No
60 days
Vacancy 2 months
- Job posting within: 24 Hours
- Monthly newsletter: Yes
- Banner on homepage: No
90 days
Vacancy 3 months
- Job posting within: 24 Hours
- Monthly newsletter: Yes
- Banner on homepage: Yes