Case Submission & Registration Joint CSHP-EA4HP-SH Workshop 2024 | April 13 – 14 Hefei, China 2024
Hefei, China | 13-14 April 2024
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Pathologists and hematologists/oncologists are encouraged to submit cases to the Joint CSHP-EA4HP-SH Workshop 2024.
Case Types
- Reactive proliferations of macrophages and dendritic cells that mimic histiocytoses;
- Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) including cases secondary to hematolymphoid neoplasms
- Langerhans cell and other histiocytoses (e,g ECD, JXG, RDD, MRH, ALK+ histiocytosis), including cases with features overlapping between different entities (so-called “mixed his-tiocytoses”) (cases of solitary JXG and reticu-lohistiocytoma excluded).
- BPDCN and plasmacytoid dendritic cell proliferations associated with myeloid neoplasms;• Malignant histiocytosis (e.g. histiocytic sarco-ma, follicular dendritic cell sarcoma, Langer-hans cell sarcoma, interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma etc), including cases illustrating issues in assigning cell of origin and difficulties in assessing malignant potential.
Case Features
The Workshop will focus on cases with one or more of the following features:
- Exemplary demonstration of various subtypes of histiocytic/dendritic cell proliferations and neoplasms using multidisciplinary cor-relations;
- Borderline cases illustrating morphologic and immunophenotypic overlaps of various subtypes of histiocytic/dendritic cell neoplasm;
- Transdifferentiation of histiocytic/dendritic cell neoplasms from lymphomas/leukemias;
- Rare histiocytic/dendritic cell neoplasms with unusual clinical, morphologic, immunopheno-typic, or genetic features.
Material Requested (Please see the instruction on website)
- One completed Case Submission Form;
- One PowerPoint Presentation containing representative stud-ies/images;
- One whole slide scanned image of a representative H&E slide.For Inquiries, please contact:
Jianfeng Wu,MD
Attending Pathologist
Department of Pathology
Xijing Hospital and School of
Basic Medicine
Fourth Military Medical University
Xian, Shaanxi Province 710032
P.R. China Tel: +86-157-0296-9486
E-mail: [email protected]