EA4HP-SH 2022 Florence Conference Outcome

Florence Conference 2022 Speaker Podium

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

It was such a pleasure to meet you all, either in person or virtually during the 2022 Florence Conference. I can see how this group is already providing comfort and support with the promise of exciting future collaborations to its members.

While there already are further projects in development, this group belongs to all of us with a space for every member’s ideas and aspirations. It is up to you to make your voice heard. I would like to encourage all of you to come forward with suggestions and to be prepared to get involved making them happen!

The Young EA4HP was very active during the conference

Congratulations to all the posters, case presentations and excellent talks !

EA4HP Conference Florence 2022

EA4HP Conference Florence 2022

Young EA4HP Social Event

During the EA4HP-SH 2022 Florence Conference we held our first social event, we were happy to welcome many enthusiastic young pathologists and scientists. A lot of networking was accomplished as proven by an impromptu post-event pizza dinner!

David Y Mason Award

The David Y Mason Award given each conference to a promising young researcher went to Luis Alberto Veloza Cabrere from the institute of pathology, Lausanne University, Switzerland for his project “Role of microsatellite instability in the oncogenesis of primary intestinal T-cell lymphomas”.

Congratulations for this amazing achievement. Hopefully we will hear a lot more from Luis in the future.

Upcoming Events

Thanks to amazing growth and interest during the conference we now have the opportunity to organise more events and activities. We will keep you informed by mail and through the Whatsapp group. Project details will also appear on the website together with the main organiser. Do not hesitate to contact them if you want to be actively involved.

Watch this space for upcoming programs, projects and updates.

Young EAHP Members at Florence Conference

Young EA4HP at EA4HP-SH 2022 Florence Conference