Dear friends,
Almost a year has passed since the 19th EAHP-SH Symposium and Workshop in Edinburgh and so many exciting events and activities have already happed since. The preparations for the 20th meeting to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 11-17th September 2020 are well under way and information about the themes can be found below and on the meeting website.
The meeting will be largely devoted to various areas in lymphoma, in which either our knowledge of biology and lymphomagenesis or our diagnostic criteria or both make diagnostic decisions so difficult, while clinical consequences may be so major. We hope that with the newest information that will be presented in the Symposium and with the cases that we will discuss in the Workshop, we may make significant steps forward to help our daily practice. The case and abstract submission for this meeting will be opened this month and we invite you to submit your contributions.
In this Newsletter, we further inform you on various new activities that we aim to develop for EAHP.
I am especially proud of the proposal to establish a program to support our younger members with dedicated educational opportunities and career development that we hope to present to you at the General Assembly next year in Dubrovnik.
Lastly, I like to draw your attention to the upcoming invitation to pay your membership dues that you can expect to receive by September 23rd . Further information is provided in this Newsletter
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